Welcome to Doncaster
Cultural Education Partnership
We believe that young people should be inspired by, engaged in and connected to the arts and culture in Doncaster.

Doncaster Culture Strategy 2030
Culture is not one big thing, and it’s difficult to define, so this strategy focusses on what Team Doncaster think is important to Doncaster residents. Yes, there’s high art in there, but there’s also more down to earth stuff – making, choirs, dance classes, book clubs, watching and participating in sports. For most people, Culture is what people do in their spare time, what they look forward to doing when they get a minute to themselves. But it is also an amazing way of bringing people together and strengthening communities
Click the link below to read more about Doncaster Culture Strategy 2030
Doncaster Culture Strategy 2030 - Team Doncaster

All children and young people should be able to access and enjoy high-quality cultural opportunities, both in and outside of schools.
Together we aim to:
Work with early years and schools to recognise the value of the arts and commit to embracing culture.
Work with cultural organisations to provide creative opportunities for children and young people.
Improve communications between children and young people, schools and cultural organisations.
Give children and young people a voice and the ability to influence arts and culture in Doncaster.
Work in collaboration to secure culture investment in the arts in Doncaster and build sustainable cultural education.

Get Involved
If you would like to come to a meeting, become a partner, or join a working group, we’d love to hear from you. Use the form below or you can email us at dcep@castindoncaster.com